The Importance of a Supportive Environment:
People will usually find it easier to deal with their problems if they are in a supportive environment. A therapeutic community program aims to create the right conditions for people to change undesirable behaviors and learn new ways of doing things. It can be very useful for helping the individual deal with problems such as addiction. The focus is on the life of the individual and not just on their specific symptoms. This type of environment is artificially created, but the individual will be able to take what they learn and use this in the outside world.
Therapeutic Community Defined :
This is a type of community where people live together as a form of therapy. Such environments are drug free and highly structured. Within such a community the individual can feel safe to explore new coping mechanisms and learn to cooperate with other people. It is like a miniature society in which members can grow and develop.
How a Therapeutic Community Program Works :
Most therapeutic programs involve participants living together with therapists. In some communities a therapist will be there all the time, but this is not always the case. This community is run by consensus, and the role of the therapist is just to facilitate. The individuals within the program are put into a position where they have to fit in with the rest of the group. Peer pressure can work as a powerful force in ensuring that people adapt. If they fail to do this then life will become difficult.