If you or a loved one struggle with substance abuse or addiction, finding a 12-step treatment program in a professional center or support group can help. At New Life Care Foundation, we know how powerful a 12-step treatment program with Theraputic Community (TC) Program that can assist you in freeing yourself from the grips of addiction.
Below are the 12 Step Program which is followed at the centre for the addicts recovery :
After family willing for admission file is made with all documents as directed by IMH. His previous any illness file is taken frm family. Then our psychologist takes history of patient. Orientation of disease is given to them.
Patient is admitted and kept in a nursing facility at NLCF where with the help of psychiatrist and MD doctor his withdrawals are managed, with any other previous mental or physical illness.
As the inmate gets stable physically and mentally in 10/15 days our professional cousellors start their work, motivate him and make him aware of the disease and programm, a move towards better life.
It is conducted face to face with the help of professionals observing the attitude and behaviour of family and the inmate as well. And we know the working of our programm on the patient.
As the patient has made up his will and mind to continue the process of treatment orientation of disease is given to him. Various Assignments are given to him by our professionals. This way self realisation comes in the patient
Here they have a scence of responsibility towards self, society, family. And their relationships. So with relaxation they start repairing their damaged relationships
So lastly after a well proofed plan about his future the client is discharged. His family is made aware of his current status and in front of the client his future plan and after care support system is discussed with his family.
Family is counselled for his his after care support. We in NLCF make sure that after care support is very important for the clients recovery.
Your Road to Recovery Begins Here Talk to Our Expert Counsellor